Nikonanou, N., Kasvikis, K. (eds.) 2008. Educational Journeys in Time. Experiences and Interpretations of the Past (Ekpaideutika Taxidia sto Xrono. Empiries kai erminies tou parelthontos) Patakis, Athens (in Greek) [(ISBN: 978-960-16-3019-9]

This edited volume discusses issues concerning educational activities for children and teenagers in the sector of cultural heritage. The articles approach theoretically the concepts of interpretation and experience, as well as the different cultural media –exhibitions, programs, educational material, digital applications–, and present some Greek case studies. The authors are university professors and specialists working in cultural institutions (A. Andreou, St. Gotsis, E. Dimaraki, K. Kasvikis, K. Kotsakis, A. Bounia, I. Nakou, N. Nikonanou, Ch. Mavropoulou-Tsioumi, E.Pini, A. Tsitouri, E. Fourliga, T. Chatzinikolaou, St. Chryssoulaki), who attempt to provide a framework for discussion on museum-education in the 21st century.