Museopedagogical actions for a change on pupils’ beliefs and perceptions for the museum

Ioanna Grapsa
Irene Nakou

This paper presented a study on school museum education. The paper investigated on pupils’ beliefs and perceptions for the museum and the related experience acquired and seeks answers to how effective specific museopaidagogical actions could be for a change of these beliefs and perceptions. The specific aim of the study was to determine whether an educational program, using various ICT tools and exhibition curating for showing how a museum is set up and functions, could affect primary school pupils’ beliefs.The theoretical background of this study was the relationship between school and museums, as well as educational actions and programmes developed thereof. The categories of pupils’ beliefs and perceptions for museums and the related experience were shaped in the light of international studies, carried out by museums for determining the corresponding beliefs and perceptions of the general public.

The results of the study show that specific museopaidagogical actions and programs could be very effective in changing pupils’ beliefs and perceptions and they underline the significance of incorporating such actions in school curricula as an organic part of a broader cultural education.