The visual artist Maria Letsiou is an Assistant Professor of Visual Arts Education in the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Thessaly. During his tenure (from 2011 to 2023) at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, he taught undergraduate and postgraduate classes in Visual Arts Education at the School of Early Childhood Education andin the Visual and Applied Arts department. He graduated from the Visual and Applied Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a painting degree (1996). The doctoral degree he earned from the Department of Art Theory and History of the Athens School of Fine Arts (2010) is accompanied by postdoctoral research in Visual Arts Education in the United States (School of Art and Design, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015). He has received two scholarships for research in Visual Arts Education (a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program scholarship, 2015-2016, and a Greek Scholarship Foundation (IKY) doctoral thesis scholarship, 2005-2009). Her artwork has been recognized in two biennales (9th Biennale of Young European Artists, Rome, 1999, and Luleå Art Biennial, LAB11, Sweden, 2011). Her articles have appeared in collective volumes, journals, and conference proceedings in Greece and abroad. A number of herartworks have been exhibited in solo, two-person, and group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. As a researcher, she is interested in digital media in art education, visual and material culture education, art practice as a research method (A/r/tography), and children’s unsolicited practices with digital media.

Scientific Publications

Άρθρα σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές

    • Letsiou M.(2022). The Creation of a Vibrant Making Space: Objects and Studio Learning. Art Education, The Journal of the National Art Education Association (NAEA), September 2022, Vo 75, No. 5, USA.
    • Letsiou M. (2021). Art Education and Popular Visual Narratives. Screen Literacy, Education Through Visual Media Expression. Niigata University, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Ιαπωνία. Vo 2, σελ. 17-26. ISSN 2435-5739.
    • Kárpáti A., Kirchner C., Letsiou M., Schönau D. (2020). A New Structural Model of Visual Competencies in Visual Literacy: The Revised Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Competency. Journal of Literacy, Pre-Literacy and Education– development of literacy in music education and visual culture across all levels of education. Vo 4, No 3. pp. 57 – 71. ISSN 2533-7882.
    • Letsiou M. (2020). Reflexão XIV: A start from scratch. Special issue of Communiars: Reflections from education and the arts in the COVID-19 era. Artistic Education Dept. Faculty of Education Sciences. Sevilla University, Ισπανία, Vo 4, p. 37.
    • Letsiou M. (2019). Bridging art curricula with on-line youth culture. Screen Literacy, Education Through Visual Media Expression. Niigata University, Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Ιαπωνία, Vo 1. σελ. 7-18. ISSN 2435-5739.
    • Letsiou M. (2019). Me and My Teddy Bear: Students’ Online Production Intersects with Art Learning. Special issue of Synnyt/Origins: Finnish Studies in Art Education journal, ‘Digital and new materialist artistic and art educational practices and theories’, InSEA Regional Congress 2018. ISSN 1795-4843. Σελ. 1155-1171,
    • Katagiri A., Letsiou M., Thomas B. (2016). International Friendship Art Project (INFAP). Journal of Art Education, Joshibi University of Art and Design, Ιαπωνία, Vo 5, σελ. 9-17.
    • Letsiou M. (2016). Art as research: defending the significance of art practice in high school. International Journal of Education through Art (IJETA). Vo 12, No 3, σελ. 241-255, ISSN: 1743-5234.
    • Letsiou M. (2014). Art Intervention and Social Reconstruction in Education, Intervención artística y recosntrucción social en la educación”, Terciocreciente Nº 6, Octubre 2014, Spain, ISSN: 2340-9096.

Άρθρα σε διεθνή επιστημονικά εικονογραφημένα περιοδικά (Visual essay) με κριτές

Κεφάλαια σε επιστημονικούς τόμους

    • Letsiou M., (2020). “A Clair – Obscure Portrait assignement”. In Emiel l Heijnen & Melissa Bremmer (Eds) ‘Wicked Art Assignments’. Amsterdam: Valiz Publishers and Amsterdam University of the Arts. ISBN 978-94-92095-75-6.
    • Letsiou M. (2019). “Rethinking the notion of Art Learning as Social Activity”. In Teresa Eça, Hester Elzerman, Maria Letsiou, Maja Maksimovik, Angela Saldanha (Eds). “Engaged Arts Education”. E-publication of InSEA. ISBN: 978-989-54262-4-9.
    • Letsiou M., (2015). “Educational trends: Artistic Interventions for Social Reconstruction”. In María Isabel Moreno Montoro (Ed.) “Re-estetizando, Algunas Propuestas Para Alcanzar La Independencia En La Educación Del Art”. InSEA Publications, Porto: Portugal, ISBN : 978-989-20-5401-8.2016.
    • Letsiou M., (2014), “Soundscapes: Our Place and the Utopia of Art”. In Alfonso Infantes Delgado, Carmen Molina and Teresa Eça (Eds.) ‘Criação de Paisagens Sonoras: Hibridizando as linguagens artísticas em contextos educativos’. Associação de Professores de Expressão e Comunicação Visual (e – book). ISBN: 978-989-96384-8-8.

Eπιστημονική επιμέλεια βιβλίων

Λέτσιου, Μ (2020), επιστημονική επιμέλεια του βιβλίου «Η καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία ως μέθοδος: Έρευνα μέσω της τέχνης» της Patricia  Leavy, Αθήνα: Gutenberg. ISBN: 978-960-01-2142-1.

Eça T., Elzerman H., Letsiou M., Maksimovik M., Saldanha A. (eds) (2019) Engaged Art Education. InSEA, e-publication. ISBN: 978-989-54262-4-9.