Chatzigeorgiou Aikaterini

Chatzigeorgiou Aikaterini is a phd candidate of the Pedagogical Department of Preschool Education of the University of Thessaly with a doctoral thesis entitled “Theatre and social empowerment: The case of the children of the Volos Orphanage”. She is graduate of the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (2013), studies for which she received a scholarship from the IKY, and of the Pedagogical Department of Preschool Education of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Thessaly (2017), as well as holding a Master’s Degree from the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Thessaly with the title “Organization and Management of Education” (2018). Both in the context of her studies and in the context of her professional employment, she has participated in artistic seminars and in theatrical performances and events, while at the beginning of 2019 she was hired as a dramatist-director at the 2nd KDAP Volou of the Organization DI.PE.THE DOEPAP of the Municipality of Volos. From September 2022 she works a substitute kindergarten teacher in a Volos Kindergarten. Her research interests concern the following topics: Applied theatre, social empowerment and childcare and child protection centers.