Giorgos Charonitis

Giorgos Charonitis is a PhD candidate of the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Thessaly. He holds an MA in Education from the School og the Humanities, Greek Open University. His MA dissertation is titled “Music and movement games of infants: theory and practice of kindergarten teachers”. He is a graduate of T.E.F.A.A. (ΕΚΠΑ). Graduate of the Two-Year Postgraduate Study in  Carl Orff Music and movement Education (Moraitis School). He received postgraduate training in Carl Orff music and movement education from the University Mozarteum in Saltzburg and  has also received training in the ‘Kindermusic’ system. He is a graduate of the School of Byzantine Music from the I.M. of Chania and has eight years of classical and acoustic guitar studies with teacher Antonis Kostourakis. He works as a music educator in public and private kindergartens and primary schools, as well as in conservatories and music schools (1996-present). Giorgos organizes and teaches in seminars related to music pedagogy in preschool. Participates with announcements in Greek and international conferences. His research interests include play and movement in preschool music education and the sociology of education. He has produced and remixed music by Greek and foreign artists. He has composed and played music in theatrical productions for children in Athenian theaters (Midnights summer dream, Zacharakis, The Fairy’s Handkerchief, etc.) and has taken part as an actor in theatrical performances and commercials and, as a musician, in recordings.