Maria Rinou

Maria Rinou was born in Athens, Greece. She studied Greek classical Philology at the University of Ioannina city, Greece. She finished the postgraduate Programme of the Department of Early Childhood education, University of Thessaly. Her master thesis is entitled: “Digital educational applications with historical content in museum websites’’. She is a PhD Candidate at the University of Thessaly since 2017. Her dissertation thesis is entitled “Participatory activities of teenagers in museums using digital media in history course. A case study at the Museum of the City of Volos. She has worked as a school teacher in a Private school of the city of Volos.

Her research interests are:  museum education, museum participation, participation through digital media, museum and schools, digital heritage, museology, History Education.



    • Nikonanou, N., Rinou, M., Theodosiou, S. (2019). Exploitation of Educational Visits to Museums, Landscapes of Memory and Geotops: Results of a Research, 1st Hellenic Conference of Local History & Education, November 22-24, 2019, Lamia, Greece.
    • Rinou, M. & Nikonanou, N. (2019). “Crowdsourcing” as a participatory tool in heritage experience for youth: an insight into museum practice”, Socio-cultural Learning of Youth in Mobile Societies (SLYMS) Conference, April 9-11, 2019, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece (in press).
    • Rinou, M. (2016). Digital History Education Applications on Museum Webpages, Museumedu 3, pp. 149-170.