Museumedu is an online, open access, peer-reviewed international journal published from the University of Thessaly Museum Education and Research laboratory (MERLab). The publication of an online international journal has been one of the main objectives of the MERLab, in line with its other publication activities (see: Publications ) with the aim to provide a space for international dialogue on museum education, and discussion over research, theory and practice related to a variety of educational practices within (broadly conceived) cultural environments around the world.
Museumedu is being published annually, on special themes that are announced 18 months in advance, through a Call for Papers. Beyond the particular theme of each volume, each issue may include papers over other themes, since basic aim is to provide a platform for dialogue among research work, practical applications and experiences. Submission of papers and suggestions for the editing of special issues should be sent to the following e-mail addresses: Niki Nikonanou niknik@ece.uth.gr, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos pankanel@ece.uth.gr .
Museumedu serves the following main objectives:
Enabling dialogue and communication among groups and individuals involved in the fields of museums, education, culture, the Arts and history, both in our country and in different countries around the world.
Development and critical evaluation of alternative approaches to cultural heritage.
Enrichment of theoretical and research work and practice in the field of museum education, in collaboration with colleagues in several countries and in relation with scientific, educational, cultural, social and art institutions, such as the International Council of Museums (ICOM), museums, archaeological and historical institutions, libraries, archives, universities, research centres and schools.
Presentation of original theoretical and research work, educational projects and educational material, and critical review of relevant publications, resources, exhibitions, conferences etc.
Articles written by researchers, artists, museum personnel, teachers, post-graduate students that present research work and/or explore ideas, questions, reflections, applications and evaluations over museum education are welcome. We also welcome suggestions for publication of special issues edited by external editors.
All papers submitted for publication go through a rigorous peer-reviewed process (see submission guidelines). Papers in Greek should be accompanied by an extended abstract in English. Similarly, papers in English will be published together with a long abstract in Greek.
Niki Nikonanou, Professor in Museum Education, University of Thessaly.
Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Associate Professor in Music Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
David Anderson, Professor, Museum Education,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Andreas Andreou, Professor, History and Culture in Education,
University of West Macedonia. Greece.
Kostas Arvanitis, Senior Lecturer, Museology,
University of Manchester, UK.
Amy Bartow-Melia, Associate Director for Programs and Strategic Initiatives,
National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, USA.
Alexandra Bounia, Associate Professor, Museology,
University of the Aegean
Lis Cercadillo, National Institution for Educational Assessment,
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spain.
Teti Chadzinikolaou, President of ICOM-GREECE,
International Council of Museums-Greece .
Arthur Chapman, Senior Lecturer, History Education,
Institute of Education, University of London, UK.
Anastasia Chourmouziadi, Assistant Professor, Museums, Education
and Communication, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Maria Economou, Lecturer, Museum Studies,
University of Glasgow, UK.
Anastasia Filippoupoliti, Assistant Professor, Musem Education,
Demokritus University, Greece.
Andromache Gazi, Assistant Professor, Museology,
Panteion University, Greece.
Stathis Gotsis, Head of the Educational Programmes Office,
Byzantine and Christian Museum, Greece.
Alan McCully, Senior Lecturer, History and Citizenship,
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland.
Esther Solomon, Assistant Professor, Museology,
University of Ioannina, Greece.
Makito Yurita, Associate Professor, Education,
Shimane University, Japan.
Louise Zarmati, Lecturer, Humanities and Social Sciences,
University of Tasmania, Australia.
First volume
Museumedu 1. Museums and Education / Theory and Practice: Music, Dance, Mathematics was edited by the Museumedu Editors, Irene Nakou, Niki Nikonanou and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, and published in Spring 2015, as a first and experimental volume. Hence, it mainly includes papers written by the Museum Education and Research Laboratory members.
Second volume
Museumedu 2. Museums and Education: Oral History was edited by Andromache Gazi and Irene Nakou, and published in Autumn 2015. It includes articles that discuss research, theoretical and practical issues relating to the use of oral history in museums and education internationally, with special references to Australia, England, Greece, Japan, North Ireland and USA.
Third volume
Museumedu 3. Museums and Education: Research approaches, was edited by Niki Nikonanou, Irene Nakou and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, and was published in June 2016. It includes articles in Greek and in English that discuss inquiries that have been conducted with the scope to investigate theoretical, educational and practical issues that are involved in the social and educational role of museums.
Fourth volume
Museumedu 4. Museum Education: Educational material, activities, experiences, was edited by Irene Nakou, Niki Nikonanou and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, and was published in June 2017. It includes articles in Greek and in English that critically discuss the planning, the realization and the evaluation of polymorphic educational material and means, educational activities addressing school students, postgraduate students and teachers, as well as educational activities that respond to current social challenges.
Fifth volume
Museumedu 5. Museums, education and people with disabilities, was published as a special MuseumEdu issue edited by Vassilios Argyropoulos and Charikleia Kanari in October 2017. It includes articles in Greek and in English that critically discuss issues concerning the access of people with disabilities in cultural spaces, such as museums and monuments. It presents relevant contemporary approaches that support the rights of people with disabilities for equal access to culture and, among others, the dimensions and presuppositions of access as well as aspects relevant to learning and social inclusion.
Sixth volume
Museumedu 6. Museums, education and ‘difficult’ heritage, was published as a special MuseumEdu issue edited by Esther Solomon and Eleni Apostolidou in Autumn 2018. It includes articles in English that discuss issues concerning the exhibition, approach and understanding of ‘dificult’ cultural heritage in museums and other spaces of cultural reference.
Seventh volume
Museumedu 7. Museums in Literature – Literature in Museums, was pubished as a special issue eduted by Evgenia Sifaki is dedicated to the twofold theme Museums in Literature-Literature in Museums. Scholars from different disciplines, such as literary and cultural studies, museology and education, explore and discuss the multifaceted relationship between literature and museums, as well as other places of cultural reference.
Eighth Volume
Museumedu 8. Educational commons and Inclusion was published as a special double issue by Maria Rinou, Yannis Pechtelidis, Niki Nikonanou, and Alekos Pantazis,. This issue includes articles in English that have been presented in the SMOOTH International Conference on Educational Commons held on 26th-28th May 2023 at the University of Thessaly.
The Museumedu Editors
Niki Nikonanou Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
You may contact the Journal Museumedu Editors at the following e-mail addresses:
Niki Nikonanou niknik@ece.uth.gr
Panagiotis Kanellopoulos pankanel@ece.uth.gr
Please, see Instructions to Authors and Basic Guidelines in the attached files.
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Guidelines to Authors.pdf | 383.76 KB |
apabasics.pdf | 43.98 KB |
apa5.pdf | 55.97 KB |
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
8 Spring 2024
Εκπαιδευτικά Kοινά και Συμπερίληψη/ Educational Commons and Ιnclusion
Special double issue/Ειδικό διπλό τεύχος
Guest editors / Επιμελητές/τριες του τεύχους
Μαρία Ρήνου/Maria Rinou, PhD Candidate, University of Thessaly
Γιάννης Πεχτελίδης/Yannis Pechtelidis, Professor, University of Thessaly
Νίκη Νικονάνου/Niki Nikonanou, Professor, University of Thessaly
Αλέκος Πανταζής/Alekos Pantazis, Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly
Museum Education and Research Laboratory
University of Thessaly
ISSN 2408-0748
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international journal for education and research
in cultural spaces
Editors / Συντακτική Επιτροπή
Niki Nikonanou, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
Museumedu 8 Spring 2024
Εκπαιδευτικά Κοινά και Συμπερίληψη / Educational Commons and Ιnclusion
Special double issue/Ειδικό διπλό τεύχος
Guest editors / Επιμελητές/τριες του τεύχους
Μαρία Ρήνου/Maria Rinou, PhD Candidate, University of Thessaly
Γιάνης Πεχτελίδης/Yannis Pechtelidis, Professor, University of Thessaly
Νίκη Νικονάνου/Niki Nikonanou, Professor, University of Thessaly
Αλέκος Πανταζής/Alekos Pantazis, Assistant Professor, University of Thessaly
Scientific Committee of the Smooth conference / Επιστημονική Επιτροπή του
διεθνούς συνεδρίου του έργου Smooth
Yannis Pechtelidis, Ioannis Kozaris, Alexandros Kioupkiolis, Alekos Pantazis, Silia
Rantitsa, Evi Adamopoulou, Elina Moraitopoulou, Stelios Pantazidis, Elena Viseri, Niki
Nikonanou, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Eirini Lazaridou, Angeliki Botonaki, Anna
Chronaki, Paschalis Arvanitidis, Giorgos Papagiannitsis, Andreas Takis, Catarina Tomás,
Liselott Mariett Olsson, Lucía del Moral-Espín, Florian Eßer, Mònica Figueras, Rudi
Roose, Natalia Fernandes, Gianna Cappello, Mittzy Arciniega, Robert Lecusay, Judith
von der Heyde, Carolina Gonçalves, Elisabete Gomes
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
Evi Adamopoulou, Charalampos Baltas, Marina Bantiou, Belén Beltrán-Beltrán, Santiago
Guerrero-Benalcázar, Angeliki Botonaki, Sasa Dimitriadou, Fotini Dimopoulou, Lucía del
Moral-Espín, Carles Feixa, Chrysa Gatzelaki, Marilena Georganta, Antoine Henry, Olga
Imellou, Montserrat Iniesta, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Anastasia Karagianni, Maria
Kechagioglou, Alexandros Kioupkiolis, Elisavet Kiourtsoglou, Camilla Löf, Kalliopi
Mathioudaki, Christina Mavini, Cristina Serván Melero, Alain Mille, Sophia Moisiadou,
Elina Moraitopolou, Alexandros Mokias, Niki Nikonanou, Beatriz Gallego Noche, Chiara
Dell’Oca, Ingrid Otepka, Stelios Pantazidis, Evi Papavergou, Christina Papaioakeim,
Katerina Paraskeva, Yannis Pechtelidis, Villy Polyzouli, Dimitris Psychogyios, Silia
Raditsa, Charlie Moreno-Romero, Anastasios Siatras, Sofia Sarakenidou, Effie Skylitsi,
Vasiliki Spita, Sonia Páez de la Torre, Maria Dimitriou-Tsaknaki, Aikaterini Varella,
Jérémie Virgo, Elena Viseri, Arianna Zottarel
Museumedu 8 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 8 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
7 Spring 2020
Museums in Literature – Literature in Museums
Τα μουσεία στη λογοτεχνία – Η λογοτεχνία στα μουσεία
Επιμελήτρια του τεύχους / Guest Editor
Ευγενία Σηφάκη / Evgenia Sifaki
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
Vasiliki Gratziou
Meni Kanatsouli
Maria Papayianni
Despina Kalessopoulou
Georgia Kouseri
Spyridoula Pyrpili
Aliki Symeonaki
Thomas Symeonides
Reviewers / Κριτές
Μαρία Αθανασοπούλου, Εμμανουήλ Αρετουλάκης, Βενετία Αποστολίδου, Μάρθα Βασιλειάδη,
Βασίλης Βασιλειάδης, Φωτεινή Βενιέρη, Αγγελική Γιαννικοπούλου, Έφη Γιαννοπούλου,
Σταματίνα Δημακοπούλου, Γεωργία Καλογήρου, Χαρίκλεια Κανάρη, Μίνα Καραβαντά,
Κατερίνα Καρακάση, Σπύρος Κιοσσές, Μαρία Παπαδοπούλου, Γεωργία Πατερίδου,
Ιουλία Πιπινιά, Κατερίνα Τικτοπούλου, Κώστας Μάγος, Ευτέρπη Μήτση,
Ρίκα Μπενβενίστε, Αγγελική Σπυροπούλου, Ελένη Χοντολίδου, Μαρία Τσουβαλά
Museumedu 7 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 7 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
6 Autumn 2018
Museums, education and ‘difficult’ heritage
Μουσεία, εκπαίδευση και «δύσκολη» κληρονομιά
Guest Editors / Επιμελητές του τεύχους
Esther Solomon & Eleni Apostolidou
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
Andreas Andreou
Kostas Kasvikis
Yehudit Kol-Inbar
Eleni Kotjabopoulou
Georgia Kouseri
Angelos Palikidis
Ioannis Poulios
Evangelia Sarigianni
Maria Auxoliadora Schmidt
Kay Traille
Ana Claudia Urban
Reviewers / Κριτές
Alexandra Bounia, Kalliopi Fouseki, Cleo Gougouli,
Elli Lemonidou, Marlen Mouliou, Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse,
George Papaioannou, Alejandro Egea Vivancos
Museumedu 6 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 6 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
5 October 2017
Museums, education and people with disabilities
Μουσεία, εκπαίδευση και άτομα με αναπηρίες
Guest Editors / Επιμελητές του τεύχους
Vassilios Argyropoulos & Charikleia Kanari
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
Vassilios Argyropoulos
Sofia-Lefki Chamonikolaou
David Feeney
Diamanto Filippatou
Simon Hayhoe
Charikleia Kanari
Aristotelis Naniopoulos
Magda Nikolaraizi
Panagiotis Tsalis
Evmorfia Tsiamanga
Reviewers / Κριτές
Despina Desli, Zoe Gavriilidou, Andrea Hathazi,
Ioulia Nisiotou, Konstantinos Papadopoulos,
Vladimir Radoulov, Spyridon-Georgios Soulis
Museumedu 5 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 5 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
4 June 2017
Museum Education: Educational material, activities, experiences
Μουσειακή Εκπαίδευση: Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό, δράσεις, εμπειρίες
Editors / Επιμελητές
Irene Nakou, Niki Nikonanou & Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
Sofia Aidioni
Nelli Askouni
Irene Delidaki
Aimilia Fakou
Pierre-Luc Fillion
Katerina Gioftsali
Irina Grevtsova
Despina Kalesopoulou
Konstantinos Karadimitriou
Marie-Claude Larouche
Myrsini Larountzaki
Sapfo Mortaki
Christina Nakou
Eugenia Oikonomidou
Marie-Ève Paillé
Normand Roy
Olga Sakali
Chrysanthi Simandiraki
Anastasia Sotiriou
Evmorfia Tsiamanga
Xanthippi Vasiliadou
Stefania Vouvousira
Reviewers / Κριτές
Anna Chronaki, Despina Kalesopoulou, Kostas Kasvikis,
Kostas Magos, Katerina Michalopoulou, Maria Tsouvala,
Maria Vlachaki, Nikoleta Yiannoutsou
Museumedu 4 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 4 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
3 June 2016
Museums and Education: Research approaches
Μουσεία και Εκπαίδευση: Ερευνητικές προσεγγίσεις
Editors / Επιμελητές
Niki Nikonanou, Irene Nakou & Panagiotis Kanellopoulos
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
David Anderson
Eleni Apostolidou
Eleni Boumpari
Alexandra Bounia
Alex de Cosson
Kostas Korres
Georgia Kouseri
Lisa McIntosh
Alexandra Nikiforidoou
Niki Nikonanou
Evi-Maria Pitsiava
Irene Reboutsika
Maria Rinou
Maria Vlachaki
Reviewers / Κριτές
Andreas Andreou, Kostas Arvanitis, Alexandra Bounia,
Dora Cavvoura, Lis Cercadillo, Arthur Chapman,
Anastassia Chourmouziadi, Anna Chronaki, Andromache Gazi,
Maria Economou, Kostas Kasvikis, Esther Solomon, Kali Tzortzi
Museumedu 3 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 3 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
2 Autumn 2015
Museums and Education: Oral History
Μουσεία και Εκπαίδευση: Προφορική Ιστορία
Editors / Επιμελητές
Andromache Gazi & Irene Nakou
Contributors / Συγγραφείς
Amy Bartow-Melia
Brandon Butler
Arthur Chapman
Chris Edwards
Andromache Gazi
Natassa Karakatsani
Alan McCully
Madgalena Mieri
Irene Nakou
Sam Smith
Yonghee Suh
Sonia Yaco
Makito Yurita
Louise Zarmati
Museumedu 2 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 2 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.
Online, open access, peer-reviewed international Journal
Education and Research in Cultural Spaces / Εκπαίδευση και Έρευνα σε Πολιτισμικά Περιβάλλοντα
1 Spring 2015
Museums and Education – Theory and Practice: Music, Dance, Mathematics
Μουσεία και Εκπαίδευση – Θεωρία και Πράξη: Μουσική, Χορός, Μαθηματικά
Museumedu 1 is available at the attached files. / Το Museumedu 1 διατίθεται στα συνημμένα αρχεία.